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The Poet’s Corner Grid

The Poet’s Corner Grid

Welcome to the Poet’s Corner Grid.  I am pleased to present the poetry of talented and well versed artists who inspire us with their masterful expressions of the written word. Here is a place where skillful writers express from the depth of their being concepts that evoke in us ways of thinking and feeling that we otherwise might never experience. These inner verses bring us together in a megacosm of kindred experiences and we are aroused and awakened to remember the magic of our shared heart to heart connection, the very source of our beingness. I invite you to take a few moments to savor the breadth and depth of the insightfully articulated poetry gifted us by these outstanding artists. With Love from My Heart to Yours, Mary Alice 

Banner Photo by Lucrezia Carnelos on Unsplash

The Poet’s Corner Grid

The Poet’s Corner Grid

Welcome to the Poet’s Corner Grid.  I am pleased to present the poetry of talented and well versed artists who inspire us with their masterful expressions of the written word. Here is a place where skillful writers express from the depth of their being concepts that evoke in us ways of thinking and feeling that we otherwise might never experience. These inner verses bring us together in a megacosm of kindred experiences and we are aroused and awakened to remember the magic of our shared heart to heart connection, the very source of our beingness. I invite you to take a few moments to savor the breadth and depth of the insightfully articulated poetry gifted us by these outstanding artists. With Love from My Heart to Yours, Mary Alice 

The Poet’s Corner Grid

The Poet’s Corner Grid

Welcome to the Poet’s Corner Grid.  I am pleased to present the poetry of talented and well versed artists who inspire us with their masterful expressions of the written word. Here is a place where skillful writers express from the depth of their being concepts that evoke in us ways of thinking and feeling that we otherwise might never experience. These inner verses bring us together in a megacosm of kindred experiences and we are aroused and awakened to remember the magic of our shared heart to heart connection, the very source of our beingness. I invite you to take a few moments to savor the breadth and depth of the insightfully articulated poetry gifted us by these outstanding artists. With Love from My Heart to Yours, Mary Alice 

The Poets Corner Grid

The Poets Corner Grid